Investor Relations
- Investor Relations
- IR Policy
IR Policy
The Company has established and practices its IR Policy as follows, so that constructive dialogue with shareholders, investors, analysts, and other stakeholders (collectively, the “Stakeholders”) contributes to the Company’s sustainable growth and constant improvements in its corporate value.
- The Company elects an executive in charge of IR and designates the Corporate Planning Department as in charge of IR. The executive in charge of IR and the Corporate Planning Department respond in coordination and cooperation with the general affairs, finance, accounting, and legal departments, and others, in order to achieve constructive dialogue with the Stakeholders.
- The Company works to enhance its IR activities mainly by holding financial results presentations and office visits, in addition to individual meetings.
- The executive in charge of IR provides feedback to senior management and the Board of Directors, conveying opinions from the Stakeholders gained through dialogue in a timely and appropriate manner.
- The Company’s policy is to conduct timely and appropriate information disclosure so that useful information is delivered to the Stakeholders. Specifically, disclosure is provided on matters that could have a material impact on investment decisions in accordance with the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (the “Timely Disclosure Rules”) stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In addition, the Company’s policy is to proactively disclose other information deemed to be useful for understanding the Company.
Information disclosure methods
In accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules, information is disclosed through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) operated by the TSE and distribution of press releases. The Company also promptly posts information disclosed through these means on its website in consideration of the perspective of the timeliness and fairness of information disclosure. Information disclosure that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules is also conducted through an appropriate method in consideration of the Rules’ intent.
Management of insider information
In order to prevent leakage of insider information (undisclosed material/internal information), the Company manages information based on the Management Rules for Insider Information and during the quiet period for IR activities from the end of each quarter to the financial results announcement, and refrains from replying to inquiries on matters other than the information disclosed.
Stock price information
Stock price information disclosed on the Company’s website is linked to Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.’s stock-price search service website. Accordingly, it is not information provided by the Company, which does not guarantee its content.
Earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements
The Company makes no guarantees concerning the information on this website or information on other websites that are linked from this website. Furthermore, the Company shall bear no responsibility for damages incurred due to this information, any of its errors, data downloaded, etc. In addition, although the information disclosed through this website contains forecasts and forward-looking statements by the Company, these may differ from actual results due to risks and uncertainties. Decisions on investments should be made at your own discretion and risk.
Corporate Planning Department, BOOKOFF GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED
TEL: +81-42-750-8588