Social and Environmental Activities
Approach to CSR
President’s Message
Yasutaka Horiuchi
President and CEO
Our Company’s responsibilities to society are increasing as we wish customers nationwide to use our services with peace of mind.
To achieve sustainable growth as a listed company, BOOKOFF strives not only to achieve steady profit growth through increased customer satisfaction, but also to fulfill our responsibilities to society through the growth of our businesses.
We have formulated compliance guidelines to address the issues of what position the BOOKOFF Group has in society and what the Group aspires to be, and what approaches should be taken by Group employees, by clarifying those values and standards of conduct.
The Group currently operates roughly 800 stores in Japan and overseas with the support of many stakeholders, including franchisees.
In addition to legal and regulatory compliance, and the establishment of a robust structure for corporate governance, our basic position is that each individual director and employee must interact with various stakeholders with a strong sense of ethics.
To enable our customers to use our services with peace of mind, and to provide continuously superior services with the support of our stakeholders, we seek to fulfill our corporate social responsibility in line with business growth.
Approach to Compliance
More information about BOOKOFF’s approach to compliance and our compliance guidelines are disclosed.
For details
Pledge to Eradicate Counterfeit Goods
Together with the other major companies handling used golf clubs, we launched the Counterfeit Goods Eradication Campaign on September 14, 2012.
For details